成功的英语单词?success 是名词。 The meeting is a success.会议很成功。successful 是形容词 The meeting is successful。会议很成功
success 是名词。 The meeting is a success.会议很成功。suc亚博体育cessful 是shì 形容词 The meeting is successful。会议很成功。
澳门新葡京succeed 是动词。 He succeeded in passing the exam.他成功的通tōng 过了考试。
success 是名词。 The meeting is a success.会议很成功。suc澳门新葡京cessful 是形容[róng]词 The meeting is successful。会议很成功。
su澳门银河cceed 是动词。 He succeeded in passing the exam.他成功的{拼音:de}通过了考试。
success 是名词。 The meeting is a success.会议很成功。开云体育successful 是形容词 The meeting is successful。会议很[练:hěn]成功。
succeed 是动词。 He succeeded in passing the exam.他成功的通过了考试。
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