《寂静的春天》 书的英文介绍?《寂静的春天》是一本引发了全世界环境保护事业的书,书中描述人类可能将面临一个没有鸟、蜜蜂和蝴蝶的世界。作者是美国海洋生物学家蕾切尔·卡逊,于1962年出版。这是这本不寻常
《寂静的春天》 书的英文介绍?
《寂静的春天》是一本引发了全世界环境保护事业的书,书中描述人类可能将面临一个没有鸟、蜜蜂和蝴蝶的世界。作者是美国海洋生物学家蕾切尔·卡逊,于1962年出版。这是这本不寻常的书,在世界范围内引起人们对野生动物的关注,唤起了人们的环境意识,这本书同时引发了公众对环境问题的注意,促使环境保护问题提到了各国政府面前,各种环境保护组织纷纷成立,从而促使联合国于1972年6月12日在斯德哥尔摩召开了“人类环境大会”,并由各国签署了“人类环境宣言”,开始了环境保护事业。 #30"Silent spring#30" is a cause of environmental protection enterprises around the world of books, the book describes the human could face a no birds, bees and butterflies world. The author is the U.S. Marine biologists Rachel Carson, was published in 1962. This is the unusual book, throughout the world to cause people to the attention of wild animals, arouse people#30"s awareness of the environment, this book also sparked public to environmental problems, and to promote the environmental protection problems mentioned before governments, all kinds of environmental protection organization established in succession, so as to make the United Nations in June 12, 1972 in Stockholm held a #30"human environment congress#30", and the countries signed the #30"human environment declaration#30", started the environmental protection industry. 蕾切尔·卡逊1907年5月27日生于宾夕法尼亚州泉溪镇,并在那儿度过童年。她1935年至1952年间供职于美国联邦政府所属的鱼类及野生生物调查所,这使她有机会接触到许多环境问题在此期间,她曾写过一些有关海洋生态的著作,如《在海风下》,《海的边缘》和《环绕着我们的海洋》。这些著作使她获得了第一流作家的声誉。Rachel Carson on May 27, 1907 was born in the Pennsylvania springs town, where I spent my childhood. Between 1935 and 1952 she worked in the U.S. federal government belongs to the fish and wildlife survey, which made her a chance to get access to many environmental problems. In the meantime, she had written about Marine ecological works, such as #30"on the sea breeze under#30" and #30"the edge of the sea#30" and #30"the surround us Marine.#30" These works that get her classic writer#30"s reputation.