森林防火英语版的名言名句?火灾无情,消防先行。 Fire is merciless, fire prevention is the first. 2、珍惜生命,远离火患。 Cherish life, keep away from fire. 3、居安思危,防患未然
火灾无情,消防先行。娱乐城 2、珍惜生【读:shēng】命,远离火患。
Nowadays, the environment has been polluted badly, the government tries hard to call for the public to return the world green. But every year, there are so many incidents about the forest on fired. It is so sad for us, because it means the environment gets worse. We must pay attention to protect the forest and do not bring fire.本文链接:http://21taiyang.com/Family/4224022.html
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