英语动画片有趣的句子(两部每部至少摘抄5句)?《Frozen(冰雪奇缘)》-The cold never bothered me anymore. 严冬已经无法再困扰我。-Please don#30"t
《Frozen(冰雪奇缘)》-The cold never bothered me anymore. 严冬已经无法再困扰我。-Please don#30"t slam the door.You don’t have to keep your distence anymore. Cause for the first time forever,I finally understand;for the first time forever, we can fix this hand in hand. 请别关闭心扉,你不再需要与我保持距离。因此这一次,我已经明白;因为这一次,我们能够携手共度。-An act of ture love will thaw a frozen. 真爱可以拯救一颗被冰封的心-Love is putting someone else#30"s needs澳门巴黎人 before yours, like you know.像你所知道的,爱是把对方的需要放在自己需要之前。-Some people are worth melting . 有些人自愿融化/牺牲。《功夫熊猫1》-One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to aviod it.有《拼音:yǒu》言:子欲避之,反促遇之。-When he walks, the very ground sha#21 举手投足,地动山摇!-To take his strength and use it against him. 出其不意攻其不备
-This is what you traned me for. 养兵千日用兵一时。-The mark of a ture hero is humility. 真英雄无不谦逊有加。