shake hands with sb.握手是一种礼仪,是人与人之间、团体之间、国家之间的交往都赋予这个动作丰富的内涵。 握手英语怎说?握手翻译成英文是:shake handsshake hands [词典] 握手 搹 [例句]I learned how to shake hands, or bow, or hug. 我学会了如何与人握手、鞠躬或拥抱
shake hands with sb.握手是一种礼仪,是人与人之间、团体之间、国家之间的交往都赋予这个动作丰富的内涵。握手英语怎说?
握手翻译成英文是:shake handsshake hands [词典] 握手 搹 [例句]I learned how to shake hands, or bow, or hug. 我学会了如何与人握手、鞠躬或拥抱。与某人握手的英语要怎么说?
与某人握手shake hands with sb.shake one"s handsshake sb. by the hand 与某人握手shake hands with sb.更多释义>>[网络短语]与某人握手 shake hands with sbclasped the hand of somebodygive sb. some skin与某人握手成交 give one"s hand on a bargain伸手与某人握手 give sb. one"s hand本文链接: